Your Lot and Parcel
Experience Your Lot and Parcel Podcast, and learn more ways to preserve your home, family and historical landmarks by actional advice from a wide range of qualified professionals.
Your Lot and Parcel
Breaking Free From The Clutches of Domestic Violence
Benjamin Diaz/Phoenix Rose, Author, and Podcaster
Many of the realities of domestic violence, including how common it is, remain hidden in darkness and secrecy. Without understanding, many people believe that women should “just leave” their abusers. The reality is that living is not that simple for many trapped in abusive relationships. Phoenix Rose understands that reality on a personal level. She shares her personal story with us on escaping a violent relationship and rebuilding her life, and offers real, actionable advice for people to help themselves or their loved ones do the same. The author of “Walking in Aloha: 5 Steps to Living Your God Potential Life,”